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Copyright @ SSMS 2014

About the SSMS

In 2013 the SSMS elected a new committee in 2013 with Manfred Raida (NUS) as President, Kishore K. Pasikanti (GSK) as Secretary and Amaury Cazenave Gassiot (NUS) as Treasurer. We are supproted by Anne Bendt (NUS), Vinayak Nadiger (SingHealth Research), Bi Xuezhi (BTI), Lin QingSong (NUS), and Zhou Lei (SERI)

Our representative at the Yound Scientist Forum at the 2014 AOMSC in Beijing is Chen Liyan from Singapore Eye Research institute.

We are happy for more support, please contact us for further information.

We want to bring together colleagues in the field of mass spectrometry, organize seminars, discussion groups, workshops, and increase communication. The SSMS is not limited to any field of mass spectrometry, from instrument design and development over environmental analysis over chemical analysis to life sciences and clinical applications… all will find their basis in the SSMS.

The SSMS also has and supports the contact to the other societies worldwide, as the societies in Asia, Australia, New Zealand organising together the AOMSC.

More SSMS events, as the Open House Days will come this year.

We will organise a SSMS conference later in 2014, more soon.


Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do.

-Johann Wolfgang von Goethe